See draft and session progress bars in the toolbar. Quickly find any document in your project using the new Quick Search tool. Refer to up to four documents in the main window using the new “Copyholders” features. Improved Custom Metadata allows you to add checkboxes, dates and list boxes to the Inspector and outliner. Keep track of how much you write each day using Writing History. Epub 3 and improved Kindle export have been added. View index cards on coloured threads based on label colour (great for tracking different storylines or anything else). The text system now has a full styles system (which is even more powerful when used with the new Compile). Compile has been redesigned and is now not only easier to use but also more flexible. The interface has been overhauled and modernised. What's new in v3 (see release notes for more)? Whatever way you prefer to work, Scrivener is on hand to help you along. You can also use the app solely as a means of collecting research material or to edit through rough drafts of a file. Working in outliner mode, Scrivener can be used to plan a project, while virtual index cards can be used to brainstorm ideas. Unlike a word processor, you are free to organise documents in any way that works best for you and the order of text can be easily adjusted. Scrivener enables you to create order from chaos, making it possible to focus in on small sections of your text in isolation from your other notes and research, or view projects as a whole to get a better idea of what sort of progress is being made.

Whether you are writing a thesis, a novel or a script, Scrivener is a powerful writing aid that can be used to organise notes, try out different ideas, view ideas alongside completed passages of text and much more the app is a word processor and project management tool rolled in to one. As well as time constraints and the ever-present spectre of writer's block, there is also the problem of organising notes and ideas as well as managing lengthy documents as your ideas start to come to life. As any writer will tell you, there are several obstacles that getting the way of words down on paper, or on screen.